We have had a sick baby for a couple weeks now. We went in to the doctors after she almost cried all night thinking something just had to be wrong she would only go down for maybe an hour or so then wake up screaming. So the next morning took her in to the Ashton clinic and the doc said that other then teething her ears looked like there was some pressure, but no infection. So he said to keep an eye on her and as soon as she started fevering to get a prescription. So by about Friday she started with the fever 100.5 so they put her on an amoxacillin. So that whole weekend she was not happy still fevering 101 to about 102 and having to give her tylenol and ibuprofen every 3.5 to 4 hours just to keep it down. Also not sleeping very good this was one very exhausted baby. We decided to take her down to her doctor in Rexburg for a second opinion. They said she definitely had an ear infection which we already knew but they were going to give her ear drops and a new prescription because they were thinking that one was not working. So besides not wanting to take the medicine things started to look up. Every time I would be holding the little medicine dropper she would start shaking her head no no poor thing she new it was coming. So a couple days later she started getting this nasty rash. Well called the doc and they said more medince this time benadryl. Doc said it was from her fevering. Well she now still has a little bit of a rash and now a cold to go on top of it, but we are getting through it.
4 years ago