November 27, 2012

Tree Hunting

Every year my family goes and gets christmas trees after thanksgiving and this year I was able to go. Corbett had to work and bentley was taking a nap, but I had a great time with the fam picking out the perfect christmas tree.


Happy Thanksgiving!!! We had a wonderful one with Corbett's brother and his cute little family
Bentley Loved having a dance party and of course playing with all her cousins.


She loved this bunny and I will admit it was pretty dang cute and so cuddly.

This little girl didn't sleep a wink down and back from Utah about a 4.5 hour drive. We told her to close her eyes and go to sleep she got the close the eyes but not the sleeping. But considering she was a pretty good girl. She got to watch some shows have popcorn, read books, and play with mom.

The food and company was great. Thanks again Matt and Kate we had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

November 16, 2012



My little bro is playing on a club bball team and we were able to go watch him.
Bentley loved cheering for Conner aka Con Con.

November 8, 2012

Leaves, Leaves, Leaves

We have probably raked up leaves 3-4 times now they just keep coming.

So happy to help.

But first we have to play in them.

Such a Good helper.

November 2, 2012

Trunk & Trick-r-Treating

Bentley at the trunk or treat with her cute little cousins doing the parade of costumes. 

Trick-r-Treating at the neighbors house with dad.

She loved going house to house getting candy. By the end she was saying thank you, but we couldn't get her to say trick-r-treat.

All of the candy she got. Which she asks  for constantly.
The kids loved putting on the scary masks uncle Conner has collected over the years.

And we also celebrated my dad's birthday the BIG 60.

The whole time we opened presents this little girl kept asking for cake like a hundred times. She seriouly has an obsession with it not sure why because we never eat cake at our house because corbett doesn't like it. But she finally got some.
Happy Halloween from The Corbetts.